Configurating Programs

Apsis provides a number of ways to specify a job’s program.

A job’s program is configured with the top-level program key. The subkey type indicates the program type; remaining keys are specific to the configuration of each program type.

Apsis provides these program types, and you can extend Apsis with your own.

  • no-op: Does nothing.

  • shell: Executes a shell command, possibly on another host.

  • program: Invokes an executable directly, with command line arguments.

Additionally, Apsis includes several internal program types, which deal with its own internal housekeeping.

No-op programs

A no-op program runs instantly and always succeeds.

    type: no-op

Running other programs

Shell commands

The shell program executes shell command, given in the command key.

    type: shell
    command: /usr/bin/echo 'Hello, world!'

Note the following:

  • The command is a string. YAML provides multiple syntaxes for specifying strings, each with different rules for line breaks, whitespace, and special characters. See, for example,

  • The command actually a short program, executed by a new shell instance. The shell is bash. All shell quoting, escaping, variable expansion, etc. rules apply.

  • The command may be multiline, execute multiple programs, use shell flow control constructs, etc.

  • Binding happens after the YAML is parsed by Apsis (when job config is loaded), but before the shell interprets the command (when a run starts).

Argv invocations

The program program invokes an executable directly, without starting a shell. Instead of a shell command, give argv, a list of strings containing the arguments. The first argument is the executable.

    type: program
    - /usr/bin/echo
    - Hello, world!

Since no shell evaluation takes place, there is no quoting, escaping, argument splitting, or substitution. Note Apsis still performs binding on the argv strings, as described above.

Users and hosts

Apsis can run shell commands and programs as another user, or on another host. Specify the user and host keys.

    type: shell
    user: devacct
    command: >
        echo I am $(whoami) and I am running on $(hostname -s).

The host key may specify any host name understood by SSH, or a host group name. Host groups are configured in the Apsis config file.

The remote program is launched via SSH and monitored by an agent program.

FIXME: Document this better.


You can specify a timeout duration for shell command or program. If the timeout elapses before the program completes, Apsis sends the program a signal.

    type: shell
    command: /usr/bin/takes-too-long
        duration: 300
        signal: SIGTERM

In this example, Apsis sends SIGTERM to the program after five minutes, if it hasn’t completed yet. The signal key is optional and defaults to SIGTERM.

Internal Programs

An internal program is a special program that operates on Apsis itself. These internal program types are available:


A apsis.program.internal.stats program generates internal statistics about Apsis’s state and resource use, in JSON format. Stats are generated as program output. If you specify the path key, the JSON stats are also appended, with a newline, to the specified file.

This job produces a run once a minute, which appends the stats to a dated file:

params: [date]

    type: interval
    interval: 60

    type: apsis.program.internal.stats.StatsProgram
    path: "/path/to/apsis/stats/{{ date }}.json"


A apsis.program.interal.archive program moves data pertaining to older runs out of the Apsis database file, into a separate archive file. Keeping the main Apsis database file from growing too large can avoid performance degredation.

The archive program retires a run from Apsis’s memory before archiving it. The run is no longer visible through any UI. A run that is not completed cannot be archived.

This job archives up to 10,000 runs older than 14 days (1,209,600 seconds):

    type: daily
    tz: UTC
    time: 01:30:00

    type: apsis.program.internal.archive.ArchiveProgram
    age: 1209600
    count: 10000
    path: '/path/to/apsis/archive.db'

The archive program blocks Apsis from performing other tasks. Adjust the count parameter so that the archiving process does not take more than a few seconds, to avoid long delays in startng scheduled runs.

The archive file is also an SQLite3 database file, and contains the subset of columns from the main database file that contains run data. The archive file cannot be used directly by Apsis, but may be useful for historical analysis and forensics.