Extending Apsis

Apsis can be extended with custom behaviors. To make extension code available, simply place it in a module that is available for import from Python, for instance by installing the code into the active environment (venv or conda), or by adding the directory containing the module to PYTHONPATH. You can then refer to your extensions in the Apsis config file or in job config files.


To add an additional program type to Apsis, extend the apsis.program.Program class and implement its methods. Ensure that the custom program class is in a module that is importable by Apsis. Specify the full import path to the class in the type key.

For example, a custom program class BatchProgram in the module acme.ext is used like this in a job config:

    type: acme.ext.BatchProgram
    # other config keys specific to BatchProgram


To add an additional action to Apsis, extend the apsis.action.BaseAction class and implement the async __call__() method. Note that each action is run in a separate async tasks, which means,

  1. It must not block the async event loop.

  2. Multiple actions may run (async) concurrently.

  3. The run may transition while the action is running. The Run object passed to the action is a copy, however, and will not reflect further transitions.

Alternately, extend the apsis.action.ThreadAction class and implement run(), which is not async. The implementation may block, but must be threadsafe.