Monitoring Apsis


Apsis produces statistics describing its internal functioning, with the apsis.program.internal.stats.StatsProgram program type. You can create a normal job using this program, and schedule it to run at suitable intervals.

This program produces a JSON-encoded object with internal stats as its output. If you provide the path program arg, it also appends the JSON object on a new line in this file; the file is created, if necessary, but the parent directory must exist.

This job configuration produces stats once a minute and appends them to a file, one for each UTC calendar date.

params: [date]

  type: interval
  interval: 60

  type: apsis.program.internal.stats.StatsProgram
  path: "/opt/apsis/stats/{{ date }}.json"

The statistics object contains these fields:

  • start_time: When the Apsis process started.

  • time: When the statistics were produced.

  • async.latency: A recent estimate of the Python event loop latency. Apsis runs an internal task every 10 sec and compares the time the task wakes up to its scheduled time, to estimate the latency.

  • rusage_maxrss: High-watermark RSS obtained from getrusage.

  • rusage_utime and rusage_stime: Process user CPU time and system CPU time obtained from getrusage.

  • scheduled.num_entries: The number of scheduled runs.

  • scheduled.num_heap: The size of the scheduled run heap. This may be larger than the number of scheduled runs, because runs are not removed from the heap if cancelled.

  • tasks.num_waiting: The number of async tasks for waiting runs. Apsis uses one task per waiting run.

  • tasks.num_running: The number of async tasks for running runs. Apsis uses one task per running run.

  • tasks.num_action: The number of async tasks for executiong actions. Apsis uses one task per action; a run may trigger multiple actions.

  • len_runlogdb_cache: The number of cached run log entries.

  • run_store.num_runs: The number of runs stored in memory.

  • run_store.num_queues: The number of queues maintained to serve live run updates, including live web UI updates.

  • run_store.len_queues: The total size across queues maintained to serve live run updates.

Note that the schema of a stats object is not part of Apsis’s API, and may change in future versions. A stats object may omit certain fields, especially during startup and shutdown. If you consume these stats, your logic should be robust to added, moved, and renamed fields.