Configuring Apsis

Configure the Apsis server by writing a YAML configuration file and specifying it with the --config command line option. You can override individual configurations using the --override NAME=VALUE command line option; use dotted names like runs.lookback=86400 to specify heirarchical configuration names.

A sample file illustrating all config variables and their default values is below. Relative paths are interpreted relative to the path containing the config file.

jobs: ./jobs                # path
database: ./apsis.db        # path

  lookback: null            # seconds

  since: null               # now, or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
  max_age: null             # seconds
  horizon: 86400            # seconds

  max_time: null            # seconds

  # ...

  # ...

  # ...

  # ...

For durations in seconds, you may also use durations like 30s, 10 min (600 seconds), 1.5h (5400 seconds), and 1 day (86400 seconds).


jobdir specifies the path to the directory containing job files.

database specifies the path to the database file containing run state.


runs.lookback specifies the maximum run age, in seconds. Runs older than this are not held in memory and are not visible in user interfaces. They are retained in the database file, however.


schedule.since specifies since when to schedule runs on startup. This can cause Apsis to skip over runs that would have been scheduled in the past, were Apsis running at the time.

  • null: schedule runs since the last time Apsis was run with the database file. If the database file is used for the first time, schedule runs starting now.

  • now: schedule runs starting now.

  • A time with time zone, e.g. 2023-04-27T16:00:00Z.

schedule.max_age sets a limit on how long Apsis can schedule a run after its nominal schedule time. Apsis fails if it ever tries to schedule a run older than this. This prevents very old runs from running spuriously.

schedule.horizon specified how far foward in time, in seconds, to schedule new runs.


waiting.max_time limits the time, in seconds, a single run can be in the waiting state. After this time, Apsis transitions the run to the error state.


A program may specify a program, schedule, or action type by full Python name. This allows you to use a custom program type to extend Apsis, as long as the class is importable by Apsis. You may also configure shorter aliases for types:

  foo_shell: foo.apsis.extension.programs.Shell
  foo_cmd: foo.apsis.extension.programs.Command

Likewise for schedules and actions:

  foo_schedule: foo.apsis.extension.schedule.MySchedule

  foo_action: foo.apsis.extension.action.MyCustomAction

Host groups

A host groups enables a job to run a program on one of a group of hosts, rather than on a fixed host. You can specify a host group name in place of a host name. Host groups are configured globally.

The group type, round-robin or random, controls how hosts are chosen from the group.

A single host name is effectively a host alias.

    type: round-robin



The procstar section configures how Procstar-based programs are run.

Procstar agent server

Apsis can run a server that accepts connections from Procstar agents. When Apsis starts a run with a Procstar program, it chooses a connected Procstar agent and dispatches the program to there for execution.

    enable: true

This enables the Procstar agent server on the default port and all network interfaces.

      port: 50000
      host: "*"
      access_token: "topsecretaccesstoken"
        cert_path: "/opt/cert/host.crt"
        key_path: "/opt/cert/host.key"

This configures the server.

  • port is the port to which to connect. If not configured, Apsis uses the value of the PROCSTAR_AGENT_PORT environment variable, or 59789 if unset.

  • host is the local hostname or IP number corresponding to the interface on which to serve. If the hostname is *, runs on all interfaces. If not configured, Apsis uses the value of the PROCSTAR_AGENT_HOSTNAME environment variable, or *.

  • access_token is a secret string that agents must provide to connect to the server. If not configured, Apsis uses the value of the PROCSTAR_AGENT_TOKEN environment variable. The default is the empty string.

  • tls.cert_path and tls.key_path are paths to TLS cert and corresponding key files. If not configured, Apsis uses the PROCSTAR_AGENT_CERT and PROCSTAR_AGENT_KEY enviornment variables. By default, uses a cert from the system cert bundle.

      start_timeout: "1 min"
      reconnect_timeout: 60
      update_interval: 60

This configures how Apsis handles Procstar groups. When a Procstar instance connects, it provides a group ID to which it belongs. Each Procstar program likewise carries a group ID in which it should run. The default group ID for both is named “default”. There is no registry of allowed group IDs: Apsis accepts any group ID from a procstar instance, and if a program specifies a group ID that Apsis hasn’t seen, it optimistically assumes a Procstar instance with this group ID will later connect.

If a Procstar run starts but no Procstar instance is connected in the specified group, the run remains in the _starting_ state. The start_timeout configuration determines how long a Procstar run remains _starting_, before Apsis transitions it to _error_. The default is 0.

If Apsis reconnects a _running_ run with a Procstar program, the reconnect_timeout determines how long it waits for the Procstar instance to reconnect. The default is 0.